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WW1 Artillery Manual  1917 | General Staff

WW1 General Staff Artillery Manual (1917)

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Issued by The General Staff, G.H.Q.

War Office, February 1917

H.M.S.O., London, 1917

Artillery Notes No.4 is a rare original WW1 British Army manual, published in February 1917 by H.M.S.O. for the War Office. It includes a great deal of very useful information that an artillery officer would have needed to know in the front line in 1917. Subjects covered include: artillery in attack, ammunitiuon, air observation, anti-aircraft guns, reconnaissance, howitzers, creeping barrages, fortified positions, fire control, destruction of defences, wire cutting, targets, dug-outs, machine guns, bombardment, field artillery, rate of fire, shrapnel, and high explosive shells. The manual includes tables showing the amounts of ammunition required to achieve certain tasks, such as wire cutting, trench destruction, gas attacks, and destruction of machine gun emplacements.


In good condition. The card cover is in good condition, with minor signs of wear and a few marks. The stapled binding is secure; although the original staples are rusty. The text is in good condition, with some creases to page 17 and a few creased corners.

Published: February 1917
Khaki card covers with black titling
Dimensions : 120mm x 180mm
Pages: 40